woensdag 24 november 2010

Inner peace

Rather strange day today.  Learned me a great lesson, though. It learned me something about inner peace. With inner peace comes understanding.

People change. That also applies to me of course.
Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes you have to. To make the best of your life. You can only hope that people change for the greater good. I had to visit "the headquarters" to get that all clear.
It truly pays off to meditate on stuff, you don't understand. You will find the answer within. And above that  you will find a (peaceful) way to deal with it.

As I continued my research on beauty, I found a picture of a bathroom of a certain hotel in Taiwan. Just had to share this one. Such orderly peace and harmony, in a most simple way. It made me have a sigh of inner peace. It made me smile just like Monkey D Luffy...

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